Deer Lodge
Gold was discovered near Deer Lodge, MT in 1862. Subsequent area discoveries prompted a gold rush that attracted lots of “characters” - and bad activities. Finally vigilante groups formed to hang or banish those participating in thievery, lawlessness and murder. In late 1866, the Territorial Legislature requested funds from Washington to build a prison; Congress approved the project but provided too little funding. Deer Lodge was picked for the site, but many delays postponed the commencement of construction until 1870; the first prisoner arrived in 1871. In 1893, the annual report mentioned that the old wooden walls which surrounded the prison were in great disrepair, which prompted the decision to build a new wall using stone from a nearby quarry and prison labor, since funding was “unavailable”. (In November of 1889, Montana had become the 41st state, thus the burden of operating the prison fell on the shoulders of the new state government. Inadequate funding and ov...